Run a Command and Return its OutputΒΆ

This script runs a command and prints its output to stdout.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import asyncio
import iterm2

async def wait_for_prompt(connection, my_session):
    """Block until the running command terminates."""
    modes = [iterm2.PromptMonitor.Mode.COMMAND_END]
    async with iterm2.PromptMonitor(connection, my_session.session_id, modes) as prompt_monitor:
        while True:
            type, value = await prompt_monitor.async_get()
            if type == iterm2.PromptMonitor.Mode.COMMAND_END:

async def string_in_lines(my_session, start_y, end_y):
    """Returns a string with the content in a range of lines."""
    contents = await my_session.async_get_contents(start_y, end_y - start_y)
    result = ""
    for line in contents:
        result += line.string
        if line.hard_eol:
            result += "\n"
    return result

async def run_command(connection, my_session, command):
    """Run a command and return its output. Requires shell integration."""
    # Atomically get the last prompt, send a command, and begin watching for the end of the command.
    async with iterm2.Transaction(connection):
        prompt = await iterm2.async_get_last_prompt(connection, my_session.session_id)
        await my_session.async_send_text(command + "\r")
        task = asyncio.create_task(wait_for_prompt(connection, my_session))

    # Wait for the command to end.
    await task

    # Re-fetch the prompt for the command we sent to get the current output range.
    async with iterm2.Transaction(connection):
        prompt = await iterm2.async_get_prompt_by_id(connection, my_session.session_id, prompt.unique_id)
        range = prompt.output_range
        start_y = range.start.y
        end_y = range.end.y

        # Fetch the content in that range and return it
        content = await string_in_lines(my_session, start_y, end_y)
    return content

async def main(connection):
    """Demonstrate how to use run_command"""
    app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)
    if app.current_terminal_window:
        my_session = app.current_terminal_window.current_tab.current_session
        print(await run_command(connection, my_session, "seq 150"))

